Canon Digital Rebel
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Canon Digital Rebel
A group where all Canon Digital Rebel owners can talk and learn about our cameras together.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
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Started by Bayla. Last replied by staceywk on Thursday, 16 July 2009
Started by Michelle. Last replied by Juli Pelletier on Monday, 13 July 2009
Started by Lørna Hejl. Last replied by staceywk on Saturday, 11 July 2009
Jane Millar, 2012-12-11 16:01:56
Jane Millar
I just noticed that the last post to this group was in 2010! Oh, well. I have a Canon Rebel 2i and still need to learn a lot about using it. Will be back in January to see if this group is active - too much to do until then.

leslie, 2010-02-23 22:19:29
hello friends! i traded an old serger (sewing machine) for a used rebel XT. i was looking for a nikon however; didnt have the cash. i want a telephoto lens however i keep reading about the rebels having alot of noise. i dont know if i should try to trade the rebel or go ahead and invest in a lens. this is my first dslr and i thought it would be a good one to learn on. now i dont know. anyone have a rebel XT? do you suggest keeping and learning on it or go ahead and upgrade? thanks for your time!
Julie Horner, 2009-09-20 22:26:24
Julie Horner
Hi Girls! Just did an engagement photoshoot for one of my daughter's best friends. I'll look at the photos tomorrow to see how they turn out. Don't you think that ignorance is bliss sometimes because I really would love to know more about setting a camera up manually... but I have never tried because a) don't know how to and b) afraid that none of the photos will turn out and I'll loose them!

I also spoke with Wolfe camera today -- he said I could bring the camera by and he'd show me some settings to use. But as far as lense quality and zoom - it would be a major, major purchase and upgrade for me.

Does anyone know where the menu has the .dpi setting at?

Julie Horner, 2009-08-11 21:23:52
Julie Horner
@Katie Thanks so much, Katie. I'll look him up. I've been so busy with digital scrapbooking that I haven't had a chance to do any photo tutorials. I know Canon also has tutorials on line too. But I need to try to do before the kids soccer and golf season!
Katie Hyser, 2009-08-10 22:28:18
Katie Hyser
Julie - Take a look at what your shutter speed was for the photos that are out of focus. Since you are shooting in auto, you are letting the camera decide the settings. You would be better off setting your shutter speed yourself. You should check out Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. It will help things make sense a lot more to you and you will be working that camera off auto in no time! :)
Julie Horner, 2009-08-05 20:59:34
Julie Horner
@Deb Thank you for the info.
Deb Giuliano, 2009-08-05 09:07:00
Deb Giuliano
I have a Canon XSi and take ALOT of sport shots (or try to). I found setting the camera on sports mode was a big help, but the real problem here is not the camera, but the lens. It is just not fast enough (I have the same lens). I found I had to be outside on a very bright day to get to good shots with this lens. I talked to some professional photographers, camera stores, read books etc. and it all came back to the same issue..the lens. There is a reason those "Sports Illustrated" guys have those big expensive lenses. I know those lenses are very expnsive, but there are places that will RENT you lenses for a weekend so you can try them out. I also set the camera to "Continuous shooting mode". Lots of times I will end up with one useable frame from the group of five that were taken when I pressed the shutter. I am totaly a beginner but I hope some of this info helps.
Julie Horner, 2009-08-03 14:40:10
Julie Horner
I use my zoom lens standardly for sports photos - but I've noticed that many of my photos are not *crisp*. I shoot primarily in Auto or sports mode. I noticed that another mom who has a Nikon's photos are 50X crisper than mine which is making me want to switch cameras, although mine is a little more than a year old. I've been using the AF mode to focus-in 1st which seems to have helped for some reason. But I'm very frustrated with the overall quality.

I have an EFS 55-250mm Image Stabilizer. I have very little working knowledge of my camera. Any suggestions would be appreciated. {Hoping to take a photography course on JS soon, but focusing on Photoshop classes right now! Which I am loving!}

Hopefully, I'll catch up with you all soon!

Kendra Grande, 2009-07-29 18:01:03
Kendra Grande
Sorry, I haven't checked back here lately. No, I would have thought the XTI would be fine. It is newer than mine. Hmmm. Other people?
Cher , 2009-07-22 01:33:12
I have the XTi- so I guess that is my problem?? Any fixes other than moving the 2 f stops or do I need a new camera??

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