Retiring Classes FAQs Print

The announcement that Jessica will be retiring classes has understandably raised some questions. Here they are answered, all in one place!

To see a list of all the retiring classes, click here.

Q: How long will I have access to a retired class if I purchase it?

A: As with all classes at, you have permanent access, forever!

Q: A class I purchased in the past is retiring, what happens now? Do I lose access?

A: You will have permanent access, forever for any class you have taken at, even ones that are retiring.

Comments (2)add comment
Tiffany Coffey
Tiffany Coffey: ...
Hi, I have a question. Will be doing new versions of the retiring classes, or are the going away completely? Specifically the Intermediate and Advanced Digi classes.

December 27, 2013
Marianne Handler
Marianne Handler: ...
I cannot seem to find the link to classses I have taken in the past. Help, please
Marianne (DrGranma)

January 11, 2014

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