JS.Com Articles
How important to you is sharing online? PDF Print
Written by Jessica Sprague   
Monday, 20 April 2009 19:00

So. The survey results are still coming in, THANK YOU for your terrific responses! Here's one tasty tidbit from the Statistics Department: 66% of you said you spend more than 10 hours a week online. Of that, 30% said you spend more than 20 hours online. YEAH HONEY. Work that keyboard!

Obviously not all of that time is spent directly related to digital scrapbooking. Perhaps you play online games, or chat with friends and family, and we all spend time emailing, right?  I actually do think that as digital (and hybrid) scrapbookers, we probably spend more time online than the average person, since our supplies are here, but I also suspect we might spend more time online because our communities are here, too.  And I 'm wondering about that today - how important to you is sharing your work, your life, your hobby with others online? And related to this - how important is it to participate in the work, life, and hobby of others who scrapbook? {...}

RSS - What the Heck? PDF Print
Written by Jessica Sprague   
Monday, 20 April 2009 19:00
If you visit more than 2 blogs a week, and you've never heard of RSS, you really should read on:

RSS actually stands for "Really Simple Syndication", and it's basically this:

Your favorite blogs (yay! including us right here at JessicaSprague.com!) have a feed, which is basically all the new posts or articles on that blog or site, constantly updated and broadcast out into the ethosphere. It's a little like a radio station. And just like tuning in to your favorite radio station to hear NPR or Pearl Jam, you can subscribe to the blog's feed to have new articles delivered to you.

So, how do you subscribe? And how is the feed delivered? And how is that better than just going to your favorite blog and reading it in its original version? Ah yes. Good questions. Read on for a quick 4-step guide to RSS: {...}

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