To Print, or Not to Print? That is the question. Print
Blog - JS.Com Articles
Written by Jessica Sprague   
Sunday, 12 April 2009 19:00

So, I think it's safe to say that we've fallen in love with our computers as memory-keeping tools. And as digital/hybrid scrapbookers I think we find more connection with others online than most traditional scrapbookers do, simply because this is where the other digi's are. :) We are finding each other, and creating communities, and making friends and forming bonds that simply aren't possible in "the real world".  I love it! For me, finding the online scrapbooking communities has completely changed my life, and I know it has changed yours, too!

But I'm wondering, whether our "online-ness" has had an impact on what we actually produce into the physical world, in the form of printed pages.  And I am putting forth the question to you! Read on for a discussion!


What are your printing habits for your full digital pages? 

  • Do you get the same thrill from seeing a 12x12 page come out of your printer as you do in slipping a completed paper page into its page protector and into your album? (that is, if you make paper pages anymore!)
  • Or do you use a letter-sized printer and print your digital pages as 8x8? 
  • Or do you order 12x12 prints from one of the online printing sites, or from Costco?
  • Or... (*gasp*) do all your pages live on your computer and online?

 Do you find yourself making decisions about which pages to print? Do you see yourself printing more or less in the future?

And the big one: Are there things that stop you from printing?

For me, I have been a slacker at printing my digital pages. I will admit that. Used to be really good. I even have a great printer at home, the Epson R1900, and I still have trouble slipping that photo paper in. No idea why, though? So I'm actually hoping for a great discussion here to help me discover my own hidden reason (and hoping that it's not just flat-out laziness! LOL).

For me, I can share with MORE people in LESS time by simply posting a new layout online, and if my kids want to share it, I have a digital photo frame. 

However, I AM reminded how much they love to look through my albums, and feel like I SHOULD be printing more of the pages for them to physically look through. 

So, where do you fall on the printing question? Can't wait to discuss!