Announcement: Launch Dates Print

Hi there! As our company grows, we have seen the need to make a change with our launch date announcements. We have decided to adopt a software engineering model of release dates from now on. We will announce classes, and give a general timeframe for their release, but we won't be providing specific dates until self-paced classes go live. 

The simple reason for this, is that sometimes we're at the mercy of technology. Sometimes we're at the mercy of crazy gremlins that slow us down, sometimes there are kinks in the schedule, and sometimes Real Life simply gets in the way of a release for a few days, and we can't deliver as promised.

We don't like pushing things back. We don't like disappointing excited students who've been waiting for a particular day so they could register for an anticipated class. So we won't be announcing dates. Instead, each time a new class goes live, we will send an email to the newsletter list to announce it, and it will, of course, be posted here on the home page.  Please sign up to receive the newsletter (and if you've ever taken a class with us, congrats! You're already on the newsletter list!)

We love ya. We value your friendship and spirit of community here. We're excited about the upcoming projects we have, and hope you love them too! :)

NOTE: This announcement change does not affect instructor-led classes, which are time-sensitive and require you to be here for registration on a certain date and time.

Please let us know if you have questions!