Birthday Bash Day 6 Print
Written by Liv Esteban   
Friday, 26 June 2009 19:00

Hi there, and welcome to the sixth day of our week-long Spraground Birthday Bash!

Super Screen Shot Challenge Layouts!

Once again, we were blown away by the tremendous creativity in our Challenge Gallery, in response to our Birth-Day 5 / June CAD-Day 26 Challenge. It was incredibly fun and interesting to see how you used screen shots to document your favorites, from sites to videos to maps!

Here are only some of the many amazing challenge layouts we spotted in our gallery!

Magik used several screen shots to document her virtual daily trips!

Michelle Kennedy used a screen shot of her Photoshop Elements workspace to give us a peep into her creative process:

phxnjc used a screenshot of her grandpa performing on youtube! Woot!

iMargo gave her screen shot a twofold function, using it not only as her background paper but also a wonderful document of her trip to Paris:

And kixvix, from our very own Spraground Creative Team, documented what many of us can surely relate to:

For more oooh-ing and aaah-ing exercise, do check out our rockin' Challenge Gallery!

Spraground Tip for the Day

Here's Jessica with our Spraground Tip for the day to help us as we explore our community even further!

Got any videos to share? Want to show others how you did a snazzy technique on one of your layouts? How about the new scraproom you just finished? Make a little video, add it to your favorite video host, and link it up on our community! Just go to Applications, then Videos. On the right side, click "Add Video." 

You can then link to any video on YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, Flickr, Vimeo and more!

And Speaking of Video... a Survey!

We have developed a VERY SHORT survey, to find out a little bit more about your video recording and editing habits and interests. I would love to learn more about you and the videos in your life. Will you take 3 minutes and complete our super short survey?

Just click here to complete the short survey about video!

And then read on for the freebie for today, which you can consider your reward for the wonderful info and delicious data! :D

Jessica Sprague's Shop at the Spraground

Quick, say this six times, as fast as you can:

Jessica Sprague sells super stuff at the Spraground! (heehee!)

She does! She really does!

Flying off our shop shelves faster than pancakes fly off the shelves are Jessica's Templates+ products!

Here are a few of Jessica's single 12x12 templates:

And here are a few of her double-page templates:

And because Jes is consistently thoughtful and generous, she has newly included 8.5" x 11" templates, both for single-page and double-page layouts, for those who don't scrap square! Here are a few of those:

To see the complete collection of Jessica Sprague products, visit our shop now, or click HERE!

You may want to use these fabulous templates for today's challenge! (wink!)

"Ad" This Challenge!

Speaking of traveling around the net, among my favorite places to visit are sites that feature ads. They are such treasure troves of inspiration!

A couple of weeks back, I was moseying down webland and came across this ad on Youtube (okay, so let me confess: I discovered it because it was featured on as the most interesting ad in recent times).

And I loved it! Want to know why? They have some of the best one-liners I have ever come across!

If you know a bit about me, you probably know that I just love words. I especially love the play of words. I love how the right words used in one sentence can have the power to capture the essence of someone or something.  And if you happen to have a talent of weaving words with a dash of mystery and a bit of a cryptic air, then I'm putty in your hands! :D

Check out this sampling of one-liners from the Dos Equis ad above:

  • His charm is so contagious, vaccines have been created for it.
  • Years ago he built a city out of blocks; today over six hundred thousand people live and work there.
  • He is the only man to ever ace the Rorschach test.
  • Every time he goes for a swim, dolphins appear.
  • Alien abductors have asked him to probe them.
  • If he were to give you directions, you’d never get lost, and you’d arrive at least 5 minutes early.
  • His legend precedes him the way lightning precedes thunder.
  • He is the most interesting man in the world.

* Psst! If you want to view the ad, the image above is linked. Simply click on it!

Today, we challenge you to rack your brains a bit but don't worry, I promise you it's going to be worth it... and fun!

Here's how we'll play today:

1. Create a layout about anything under the sun, as long as it’s a living thing. No objects, please. (So friends, family, babies, pets are okay. Favorite pair of shoes, not okay. haha!)

2. Your layout should have only ONE line of text (Think of it as the title and the journaling combined into one. So just one line of text). Try to make the words in that one sentence capture a main quality of the person or living thing you're scrapping about.

3. Use at least one photo on your layout.

4. Include "Birth-Day 6 / JuneCAD-Day 27" in your layout file's title.

5. Upload your layout to our Challenge Gallery and let us know in the sticky thread in the General Forum when you’ve done so! (Look for the thread, "Birth-Day 6 / June CAD-Day 27").

We can't wait to see what amazing stuff you come up with again!

Birthday Goodie No. 6

And of course we have not forgotten your birthday freebie for today!

Our super designer Crystal (Creativity By Crystal) gives us a super-cute desktop "quickpage" which you can slide your photo in real quickly and then put on your computer desktop so that you get your very own special calendar for the month of July!

Click on the image above to download today's birthday goodie! (And be sure to grab it before 10AM EST rolls around tomorrow, when this desktop moves to our shop and a new birthday freebie takes it place!)

Sorry, the link to this freebie has expired. You can now find it in our shop. :)

Have a wonderful Birthday Bash day today!